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Historic Features

The park has undergone many changes over its history and some of the features and structures within the park have been lost due to these changes. In the gallery on this page, we detail some of those features and aim to give you a picture of where they would have been placed in the park at the time.

Original Position of Fountain

Original Position of Fountain

A view from the "Umbrello" and the drinking fountain. Looking towards the Rangers House, which would have been Grove House at the time.

Grove House

Grove House

Grove House, with the added Bowling Green.

Grove House and Bowling Green

Grove House and Bowling Green

Grove House

Grove House

Just a month after this photograph was taken, the house vanished from the scene. A last long, lingering look, at where so many enjoyed a nice cup and tea and a cake, and bang, consigned to the rubble of past history.

Grove House

Grove House


Tennis Courts

Tennis Courts

The Hard Surface Tennis Courts in the 1940s. The site of the courts can be found in an area of lawn lying between the boating lake and Hamstead Road, behind the Umbrello/Austin Lines Fountain Canopy.

Tennis Courts

Tennis Courts

From the Kesterton Collection. © Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery

Tennis Courts

Tennis Courts

From 1928, a rare picture of the courts in use.

Original Gates

Original Gates

Hamstead Road entrance to the park.

Old Location of Playground

Old Location of Playground

The playground was located just along the path from the Bandstand until it was moved to the location of the MUGA, and after the renovation, in front of the Leisure Centre.

Ornamental Lake

Ornamental Lake

Taken in 1968.

Handsworth Wood Station

Handsworth Wood Station

The London and North Western Railway, had two stations (Handsworth Wood & Wellington Road) and Soho Road, on a line that ran through Handsworth Park. They are long gone but the line remains open as a bypass loop for Goods and through passenger services.

Site of Handsworth Wood Station

Site of Handsworth Wood Station

Here is the present day photograph taken from the foot bridge in Handsworth Park April 2017. Thanks to Geoffrey Massey.

Handsworth Wood Station

Handsworth Wood Station

Handsworth Wood Station

Handsworth Wood Station

Handsworth Wood Station

Handsworth Wood Station

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