Equal Opprtunities
Our Aim
We aim to create a safe and welcoming atmosphere for everyone. We want to challenge all forms of oppression including those based on race, ethnicity, nationality, creed, gender, sex, class, sexuality, gender reassignment, learning ability, physical impairment, mental illness, HIV status, age, occupation, income, wealth and unrelated criminal conviction. We aim to design our activities, services and decision making processes specifically to encourage and support participation from people who face disadvantage in society, including women, BAME people, disabled people, LGBTQ people, and people on low incomes.
Discrimination is when a person is prevented from taking part in something based on a particular characteristic they have.
Harassment is when someone behaves in a way which makes someone else feel distressed, humiliated or threatened.
The Equalities Act 2010 identifies a list of “protected characteristics”. It is illegal for an organisation to harass or discriminate against anyone because of their age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation.
What we will do
We will ensure that our meetings, activities and events are open to all and consider and overcome the barriers that some may have in attending them.
This will include consideration of times and locations, providing childcare, reviewing publicity materials and social media content and ensuring that the buildings in the park are accessible for people with disabilities.
Code of Conduct
We expect everyone to be respectful of difference and welcoming to all.
Sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic or otherwise offensive and inflammatory remarks and behaviour are not acceptable. These constitute harassment, and have no place in Friends of Handsworth Park.
If anyone feels harassed or discriminated against they should contact the chair, Graham Winfield on grahamwinfield05@aol.com and the matter will be investigated and the necessary action taken.